24 02 AgResearch 42


Agresearch’s new $103 million science facility is home to the 300 scientists and support staff tasked with leading agricultural science and innovation.  The design is a nostalgic nod to the classic farm building, finished in the old red farm corrugated iron colouring that is instantly recognisable and symbolic of the rural heartland.  

The building itself is far from old fashioned and showcases a contemporary approach to sustainability, with the use of locally sourced timber to reduce embodied energy.  It’s part of a sustainability-driven design that relies on external sun shading to aid natural ventilation and improve the operational energy efficiency of the building.

Two different sunshades were to be used, both providing the required shading for the glazing which runs around much of the structure at ground level and on the first floor.  Where the strips of glazing consist of two levels with the top being openable, the sun shading extends down to the bottom of that window to ensure it is shaded at all times. 

A solid corrugated sunshade finished in a standard colorcote finish is used on elevations that require maximum sun shading.  1520mm deep and of varying widths, 125 panels are fixed to aluminium support frames.  The sunshades continue the visual lines of the corrugated sides of the structure, appearing as if they have been ‘opened’ like an awning.

The second sun shading style features the Twilight dapple pattern.  This has an open rate of 26.67% and a very low risk of generating wind noise, having been tested for such in the Insol Wind Tunnel.  What it does generate is a pleasing dappled effect that provides more than enough shading for occupants, whilst adding movement and energy as the sun’s path progresses over the course of a summer's day.

The finished structure uses just 22% of the embodied carbon vs a traditional building, along with a reduction in the operational carbon burden expected thanks to effective sun shading.  Much like there will be on-going gains from the food and fibre research being carried out by scientists in their new home.  As they go about their work, the sun shading will keep computer screens and equipment displays free from glare, while the natural ventilation will fuel their scientific endeavours. 

Architect  Architectus      Contractor  Naylor Love            

Location  Lincoln

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