Given the undoubted effect of sun shading on the energy burden of buildings, we should maximise the potential savings by designing the most optimal shading solutions. Doing so requires an analysis of the design and building geography, so we can ascertain the amount of daylight received on any given day. 

We have developed and offer a number of sun shading tools which can be used to help identify the best shading solution for buildings.  The shading calculators are free to use and can be easily configured to produce accurate results for the location of your design.  

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Louvre Shading

Calculate the shading provided by either a horizontal or vertical louvre system.

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Vertical Fin Shading

Calculate the shading provided by vertical fins on a window or a wall.

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Overhang Annual Analysis

Visualise the degree to which a horizontal overhang shades a window during the year.

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Overhang Design

Visual feedback about the performance of a horizontal window overhang.

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